Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ugh, Frustrated...

So when I originally wrote that artist statement that I posted I thought, "eh, a few tweeks... other than that, I'm happy with it."
Then I sent it to my BFA advisor and he was like, "Nope.  Too long.  Too wordy.  Take another stab at it."  Okay, so I'm paraphrasing, but still.  I'm not mad about that at all, just frustrated.  So I wrote it again.  Feeling much better about it, and now I'm back to feeling like I don't like it at all now.  I just don't know.  Maybe I'm just too tired to comprehend how I feel about anything right now.

Here it is: (The title of my piece is officially "Four Walls" now btw)

             Four walls and one entrance.  Many spaces we inhabit share this same basic layout.  Lights, music, recognizable imagery, and familiar objects are also staples to our everyday experiences; however, when these elements are rearranged, only if slightly, our perceptions can change drastically.
            Everything inside is painted and made of common artists’ materials as well as found objects.  These materials are formed or used in unconventional ways, creating something still recognizable, but perhaps something we didn’t originally intend canvas, foam, thread, paint, or teacups to be.        
            Some aspects to life are inexplicable and undefined.  Two plus two may not always equal four and in those instances we do our best to fill in the gaps, making sense by drawing upon what we know and understand.  In the end, my hope is that viewers form their own narrative or perhaps a mere curious conclusion possibly having the effect of self-reflection and reexamination of one’s own expectations for the world around them.


  1. It seems like Denis wants you to write something simple. But simple would kinda contradict everything you put into your piece...

  2. I Know my comment didnt really say anything important. I just wanted you to know I love you and Im reading ! ( I feel a bit extra special at the moment)

  3. Thanks Jenn! It matters to me a lot... especially right now. Yeah, re-reading it later made me feel better about it. Oh, and I changed the title. That's to come in the next blog that I'm about to write, here in just a second. You'll enjoy it ^_^
