Thursday, December 29, 2011

Realizing I'm an ENFP

"What the hell is she even saying?"
A label I don't mind wearing... strangely.

I mean, it is me, right? Whatever am I ever saying, right?  (which makes this overall statement so very ironic)

But that's the fascinating thing really... that explains everything.  For the sheer sake of sounding poetic and awesome, I'm half-temped to stop... but obviously I haven't.

Perhaps I should explain how I arrived at this conclusion first...

Recently, for some reason I've been hearing a lot of buzz about this particular personality test known as the "Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers typology" test... you can take it yourself here:

Generally, speaking, I'm skeptic and irritated by these sorts of things.  How can anything less than even 100 questions give you any sort of clue as to who we are as individuals?  Perhaps not with the specifics, but this test has shocked me as to how accurate it has been with everyone I know that's taken it... and that's from both of our perspectives, individually and otherwise.

On the whole, we actually can be broken down.  That fascinates me.  Truly it does.  Especially for myself.  Recently, I've been feeling exceptionally isolated (mentally) and really at a loss of what to do (it's bad enough where I've sought for ways to obtain help... get all that? It's complicated.)  So, I've been doing research.  Turns out, I am the rarest personality type also known as "ENFP" and the least defined of all 15 types.  What fascinates me was that this was able to accurately narrow down my complex, hard-to-relate to (understatement) temperament and overall general motives for everything I do in life... so concisely.  It's done that for everyone.  Gives me a greater appreciation and understanding of myself, but everyone else I interact with as well.

What I appreciated most, was that now that I know, I of course had to be the rarest personality type (as cool as that sounds...),   that there are others out there similar to me... even if it isn't many, that's a comforting feeling.  I am relate-able, definable... maybe just a little bit... and you have no idea how good that feels to be someone like me and say that.
I've never met any me's out there, but I hope when I do... they're old.  I need a good, frank talk with someone who has endured what I have most specifically.  Someone smarter than me.  I love it when I learn things from people and they were trying to teach me something.

I'm transfixed on this subject as of late, if you couldn't tell, so feel free to continue the conversation if you find interest! I would be happy to oblige, as it is in my nature.  Read about it! Tell me what you think! (This was my favorite website for descriptions)
And for a bit of humor... (yet still, remarkably and completely relevant)

On a secondary note, I've read from several, easy-to-obtain sources that only about 3-4% of the entire population is like this, and out of that, only 1 % are true ENFP.  Now you read all about them, and tell me... have you ever met anyone who fit the description better?  It blows my mind.

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