Saturday, November 19, 2011


The soul of a violet is so vast, yet in a way so far gone. They are completely connected and disconnected simultaneously in a way that no other soul can ever achieve. They are few and far between and have a great burden/blessing unlike any other aura. They are the teachers. The listeners. The watchers. The protectors. The inspiration.


  1. the true burden of a violet is that no one will ever know or understand, not really. In my opinion at least...

  2. Ok, so I suppose my interpretation is sorta like, it makes me think you're talking about a person or people you care about, especially because it reminds me of what you were telling me in the car on my way back home >3< and you may understand why I'm thinking that, it's just a guess XDD and of course, you may have been thinking of something entirely different and it's merely coincidence -shrug- I left a comment here instead because... I was randomly self-conscious of this interpretation O_o; perhaps because I don't try to interpret things or yeah now I am rambling lol in any case, as I said, it's lovely and I enjoyed it :)

  3. I'm guessing this is the result of some test you took online, in which case, I'd be interested to take the same one.

  4. Actually, I can understand why you would think this, but this is not the case. I'll explain it to you soon.
